The Essence of Easter

This year as you see Passion Plays or the movie “The Passion of the Cross” or hear the story of the crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of our King, remember that it was all about how much God the Father, God Jesus, and God Holy Spirit love you as an individual, you personally.
All of the indignity, suffering, and pain that Jesus suffered was for you personally. God chose to become a human being, be submitted to unimaginable cruelty, and be rejected by the people He called His own so that you can live with Him on earth and forever. Because He cherishes you that much, and because you are His glorious inheritance.
Here is the mystery of the ages. Here is God’s plan to rescue us all from the cost of our sins from the instant that Adam and Eve disobeyed Him and partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus said this:
“Now My soul is troubled and deeply distressed; what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour of trial and agony’? But it is for this purpose I have come to this hour, this time and place.

“Instead, I will say, ‘Father, glorify honor, extol Your name!’ Then a voice came from heaven saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.”
The crowd of people who stood nearby and heard the voice said that it had thundered; others said, “An angel has spoken to Him!” Jesus answered, “This voice has come for your sake, not mine.
“Now judgment is upon this world; the sentence is being passed. Now the ruler of this world (Satan) will be cast out.
And I, if and when I am lifted up from the earth on the cross, will draw all people to Myself Gentiles and Jews.”
(John 12:27-32)

He also said this:

“Do not think I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but complete and fulfill them.

For truly I tell you until the sky and earth pass away and perish, not one smallest letter nor one little hook will pass from the Law until all things are accomplished.”
(Matthew 5:17-18)

Matthew 27:51-54
“And Jesus cried out again with a loud [agonized] voice and gave up His spirit voluntarily, sovereignly dismissing and releasing His spirit from His body in submission to His Father’s plan.
And immediately, the veil of the Holy of Holies of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; the earth shook, and the rocks were split apart. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints (God’s people) who had fallen asleep in death were raised to life. Coming out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered the holy city (Jerusalem) and appeared to many people.
Now, the centurion, and those with him keeping guard over Jesus when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, were terribly frightened and filled with awe and said, “Truly, this was the Son of God!”

Ya think???

This is the essence of Easter:
The instant that Jesus breathed His last breath, the veil of the temple which protected the arc of the covenant, the container that held the ten commandments and separated man from God, was torn in half, which means that the law had been fulfilled, accomplished and done away with. At that instant, Jesus freed the Jews from the law of sin and death and the six hundred and three attached man-made ordinances.
The Gentiles (us, all non-Jews) who were never a part of the Law were made free from a performance-based relationship with God when Jesus was lifted up on the cross.
Now those who accept Jesus live in a Grace through Faith relationship with God. When you make Him your King, your relationship with God is no longer about what you do but what Jesus did.
( Ephesians 2:8-12, Romans 5:1-2)