The Ten Commandments vs. Grace Through Faith Part II

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS VS. GRACE THROUGH FAITH PART II Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all of your likes and your beautiful comments. I only wish that I could respond to each of you. Imagine me giving you a big hug of thanks. You are all such a wonderful blessing. Would you like to […]

The Ten Commandments vs. Grace Through Faith – Part I

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS vs.GRACE THROUGH FAITH – PART I Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all of your likes and beautiful comments. I only wish that I could respond to each of you. Imagine me giving you a big hug of thanks. You are all such a wonderful blessing. Would you like to receive your […]

The Keys To The Kingdom VII

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all of your likes and wonderful comments. I only wish that I could respond to each of you. Imagine me giving you a big hug of thanks. You are all such a wonderful blessing. Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and our ministry need your help! We […]

The Keys To The Kingdom VI

THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM VI Stomping devil butt! Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all of your likes and wonderful comments. Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and our ministry need your help! We urge you to buy the book: “Why Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin!” It is a scripture/power packed love message from Jesus […]


THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM PART IV GRACE GRACE GRACE GRACE “FOR WHILE THE LAW CAME THROUGH MOSES, GRACE (God’s willingness, ability, and power that has done those things for us, which we can not or will not do for ourselves.) AND TRUTH CAME THROUGH JESUS!!” (John 1:17 Amplified) Please meditate on that scripture. It […]

The Keys to the Kingdom – Part II

THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM – PART II In our last teaching, we wrote about the first key to the Kingdom of Heaven: Salvation. In part 2 we are going to explain the 2nd Key to the Kingdom: Faith. “NOW (In this present moment) FAITH is the assurance (The confirmation, the title deed) of the […]

The Keys to The Kingdom!

THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM Hey Facebook friends and Partners of Throne of Grace/ KNOWJESUSKNOWGRACE.COM We want you to know how deeply we appreciate the outpouring of likes and messages of encouragement. It means 10 times as much that you went to the effort of liking and following our page. If you haven’t had the […]