How to Stop Shopping at the Enemy’s Store…

How To Stop Shopping At The Enemy’s Store And Start Receiving By Faith What Jesus Gave us by Grace!

My partners and I have had several meetings lately about how scratch keeps trying (with success) to sell us the same products repeatedly. he does this because we have bought them from him before and he is persistent. Even when we fight and refuse to buy his goods, he never stops trying to sell them to us.

So, a couple of nights ago in my late night meeting with Jesus, I asked Him to explain all of this to me. When He did, He asked me to share His answers with you in a teaching series, so I did.

In this series of teachings on shopping at the devils store where the fruit is rotten; we learned that we have been buying the devils goods for years. Here are some of the products that we have often bought from the butt boil:

UNBELIEF, Doubt of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus,

fear of everything, especially what others think of us and fear of economic insecurity, but fear in all of its forms, general anxiety, worry, doubt, judging ourselves and others, living in anger or depression, bigotry, resentment, hatred, refusal to forgive those who have injured us,

loathing others and despair. These are but a few of the products we have bought from the liar of all liars.  All of these and the ones only you know, are big RED FLAGS.

While in the midst of ministering to a young man just starting out in the world of business a few days ago, the Holy Spirit showed me a product that the ash heap had sold this manLow Self Esteem…”I will never make it, This job is too hard and I cant do it” “I am in over my head.” “I am not smart enough to succeed.” “I dont have enough of what it takes to break through in the sales business.Yada yada yada!

Please remember whenever you hear negative voices about yourself they are not coming from Jesus who knows that nothing is impossible for those who believe! They are from yourself, other people or the evil one. Reject any negative thought about yourself.

When we buy his products even once, the stench in Gods nostrils will continue to try to sell us that product until we are with Jesus in Heaven. Here is the fruit of shopping at the burnt up canker worms store:

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions  and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. (Galatians 5:19)

We know when we are behaving in ways that are not pleasing to God. No one has to tell us right from wrong. God implanted that knowledge in us before we were knit together in our Mothers wombs.



Receiving by Faith what God has given us by Grace:

Faith is the substance formed by living in THIS PRESENT MOMENT (NOW) having JOYFUL EXPECTATION of the

THINGS WE CAN NOT SEE,Which Jesus Has Already Done. WHICH IS EVERYTHING. (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is a free gift given to us when we make Jesus our king. At that time we receive His Faith.


Grace is Gods willingness, ability and power that has done for us those things that we can not or will not do for ourselves. Stating that grace is unmerited favor is akin to saying that a Lamborghini is a cup holder.

Faith and Grace are free gifts from God, not of ourselves, lest any one boast about themselves. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

None of us are perfect until we accept Jesus. Even then, we still sin. Yet; we strive to do good. Not because we are afraid of being punished if we dont; but for the joy that doing something nice for our Loving Jesus brings.


HOW? We can be intentional about doing the complete opposite of what the evil one, our flesh nature and our old unregenerate person lead us to do. If they tell us to lie, we tell the truth. If they tell us to resent another, we forgive them and speak love over them. If we have a negative thought we know it is not from the King of Love, so we fight it and reject it.

We find joy in doing that which we know make our King happy, like:

Giving eternal life to another by teaching them the truth of the Words of Jesus, Doing nice things for people, Biting our tongues, if need be, to avoid saying negative words to people, especially our loved ones. Rejecting smartasseddness, Refusing to belittle others no matter how tempted we are,  Beaming love to others, Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us, Giving in spite of our perceived lack, Giving only what the Holy Spirit guides us to give, yet giving what we are led to give in our hearts.

We can Smile at others when our hearts are full of self pity.  We can Listen to others without thought for ourselves. We can support and encourage our Messengers from the Holy Spirit.

The reward for these behaviors is a feeling far greater than any thing generated by drugs, sex, alcohol or other earthly stimulants can ever produce.  

We may choose to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Here is the fruit produced by fighting to do the opposite of our past behavior:  love, joy, peace, courage, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

(Galatians 5:22)

Make a decision to behave differently. Make a decision to behave in a way that demonstrates the love of our King to those who may not yet know Him. Be a shining city on a hill that others may see your kindness and love and be drawn to King Jesus. IT IS ALL A CHOICE THAT YOU MAKE.

If you have tried all of your life to find true peace, love and happiness, try living your life for Jesus. Try waking up every morning and asking God what you can do for Him today.

Ask Jesus to bring a person to you that you can bless today.  It is an absolute truth that you will know peace and gain your true desires when you serve the one who gave all that He had for you because He loves you that much!

Dont Be Surprised When The liar shows up and tries to sell you toys that you stopped playing with many years ago. Remember he is slick and persistent. Fight Him and win one for our King!!!

This message was dictated by the Holy Spirit and was presented to you by Pastor Allen Fleming who is the leader of Throne of Grace Ministries KnowJesusKnowGrace.Com

We minister to 113,000 folk in more than 105 countries all around the world and right here in the U.S. every year.

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Thank You,

Pastor Allen Fleming

Throne of Grace Ministries/


P.O.BOX 669153

Marietta, Georgia 30066

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