Do You Know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus?

I mean really? Do you know Jesus?
Not in a cursory way but in a deeply personal way.
Do you know His heart? His Nature? His thoughts?

Do you know what you mean to Jesus? Do you know how intensely that the creator of all things, The King of Kings
and Lord of Lords, cherishes you as an individual, everything about you just as you are right this moment sins and all?

Have you ever asked God for Wisdom? Have you
un answered questions for or about Jesus? Have you ever thought that the Bible is too hard to read and understand?
Would you like to know the King of Kings in a new and deeper way? Have you ever asked God to show you The Way? Do you feel like your prayers bounce off the ceiling?


or at Amazon or Barnes and Nobel, right now. It will
answer those and many more questions for you.

The book is a very personal message to you by the Holy Spirit. It will elevate you in knowledge and understanding beyond your wildest imagination.

Do you remember when Jesus told His followers that every hair on their heads was numbered? He had to state it in that manner because they knew nothing of the unseen.

Today those same words would be: Every cell and subcell into the infinite of your body is not only numbered but managed and overseen by Him if they are submitted to His leadership.

God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit/The Word knitted you together subcell by subcell until each and every cell and all of their parts were crafted together into the human being that you are. Every single one of those cells contains a DNA strip that could reproduce everything about you down to the most minute particle and He assembled every bit of it. You were knit together by the immeasurable love of Your glorious, doting Daddy.

Do you remember the first time you saw your first Baby? God’s pride and joy is you!!!!!! He exalts you above everything that exists.

When you were born God and the heavenly host danced and sang in joy over you. You are their greatest creation. When you can see yourself with the love that Jesus sees you with; love, joy, happiness, splendor, satisfaction, confidence, courage and strength will overcome you.

When you really down deep know your King, fear of all types will leave you altogether. Worry, doubt and dread will never return. You will begin to love yourself and then you can love others more deeply and sincerely when you know your loving savior.

Do you know that once you give your life to Jesus and make Him your King by simply believing in Him and making a decision to believe Him a very difficult to understand or comprehend thing happens.

He has sworn that He can not remember or even consider your sins and that they are all forgiven past present and future? So when you confess your sins to Him; which He never instructed us to do, Jesus has no idea what you are talking about.
Here are the supporting scriptures for that teaching.
(Hebrews 8:12, Hebrews 10:10, Hebrews 10:17,Zephaniah 3:17, Isaiah 43:25, Psalm 103:12)

When you know Jesus in that deep personal way you can feel His Love. You see Jesus/God the Father/ The Holy Spirit and His Word, ARE love. They are the pulsating illuminating energy that created and maintain everything that is. They are the God particle that those nutty professors spent billions to build a proton accelerator to find. The answer was in their very presence all along. (John 1:4, John 1:1, John 8:12, John12:46, Isaiah 45:7,
Psalm43:3,1John1:17, Hebrews1:3, John 9:5, Genesis 1:3-6)

That energy is fueled by love. In fact, God the Father (Abba Daddy) is a ball of energy fueled by love. Love is what has been referred to as God’s medium of exchange. Love is the essence of God in all three of His persons and His Word.

Think about this. God loved (fill in your name) so much that He could not do without you. To prove that love for you and while you were deep in sin, He allowed Himself to be tortured to death to pay for your sins: past, present, and future. He loves you so much that if you were the only one who ever believed in Him, He would make that sacrifice again, just as willingly.

This is what He did for you. He left His glorious home in heaven where there are no negatives of any kind. He became a human being, suffered the indignity of walking as a human on earth in a very poor area for 33 years, and being tortured and brutally murdered, becoming our sins, and dying of all forms of disease that exist now or ever will exist.

He had no heavenly comforts at all, processing food in the natural way, being cursed, humiliated, hunted, spat upon, chased, being despised and hated by the very people He created and lived among, being rejected and worst being unaccepted, and unbelieved by all but a few of His chosen people including His best friends and disciples.

He was accused by His children. He was tried by His children, He was condemned by His children, He was convicted by His children, He was tortured by His children and He was executed with extreme prejudice by His children.

Astonishingly, even after all of the sacrifices our loving Father made for us, His children still reject Him, refuse to believe His Word, ignore Him, deny Him, worship false God’s, create idols to give their attention to:
sex, drugs phones, all manner of computers, social media, alcohol, money, success, keeping up with others, worrying more about what others think of them, than what God thinks of them, creating new theology and false doctrines. We still crush His heart every day.

Imagine how the God that knitted every single human together one subcell at a time feels when Americans butcher, slaughter, murder, sell the body parts for profits, of more than 70 million of His children including and up to the time of birth, since Roe v Wade became law, without mercy, choice or defense.

The very ones He came to bring a life of Heaven on earth brutally beat Him nearly to death with their fists.
They mocked Him openly and loudly. They put a crown of thorns on His head and each time he breathed the thorns pierced His head and caused immense pain and bleeding.

They whipped Him with a whip with the strands of the whip tipped with rocks and bone chips that drove into His back 40 times until His back was ripped open and bled profusely.

They whipped His legs and the pain was unbearable as the salt from His sweat poured into His open wounds and burned like acid. (John 19:1-3, John 19:14-23)

They drug Him to the place of the skull, naked through the streets as His children spat on Him and called Him evil names. (Luke 23-Mark 15:21-41, Matthew 27:27-35)

They drove railroad spikes into His ankles and wrists as they Hoisted Him into the air to hang on a cross. He voluntarily died also from every disease known and unknown to man on the cross. He died from aids, Alzheimer’s, std’s, cancer, coronary disease all of them, and every other disease or illness known or unknown to man. (Isaiah 53:4, 2Peter1:24, Matthew8:16-17)

At the same time, He became all of the sins of the world. He carried sins so horrid that the most insane mind cannot imagine them.
He was so full of sin that He could not look upon Himself. He carried the sins of Hitler in His body.
(Isaiah 53:5, 2Peter:1:24, Psalm22:1, Matthew 27:47)

He suffocated and choked to death on His own blood. Why?

Because you mean that much to Him. You are all God wants. You are all that God wants. You are the only thing that God yearns for. You are His glorious inheritance. Yes God loves you personally that much! (Ephesians 1:11-19, John 3:16, Romans 5:8)

In spite of the agony and unimaginable pain inflicted on Him, not just by the Romans and the Jews, but by each of us when we sin, He begged Himself to forgive them. His love is so overwhelming that He forgave those who committed the greatest crime the world has ever known or will ever know.

When you do know Jesus, you can’t help loving Him with all of your heart, your soul and being.

Do you listen to Jesus? Do you speak directly to Him?
Do you believe the evil nut woman on television who thinks that people who listen to Jesus have a mental illness?

A very successful businessman once told me not to ever
tell anyone that Jesus gave me instructions because people would think that I am insane.

The tenth chapter of the book of John is all about Jesus and us, His sheep. Jesus stated clearly that He knows us as individuals and calls us by name and that we know His voice and will not be led by anyone other than Him.

Why is it important to know Jesus? Because of Who He is!Jesus is the most important being in existence. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end!

Jesus is the Lion of Judah and the Rose of Sharon, The Bright and Morning Star, The light of the World, The Way The Truth and The Life.

Jesus was God in the Flesh, He is a Friend closer than a brother who loves us at all times. Jesus is Grace and Truth, Jesus is Mercy and Peace and Love. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, The King of Kings and the Lord of Lord’s. All power has been given to Jesus in earth and in heaven. He is the first born among the brother. Jesus is the Lily of the Valley.

Jesus is the lamb of God, The Resurrection and the Life, The King of the Sabbath, Our Great High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. The Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father.

Jesus is the Great I Am, The Good Shepherd, The Prince of Peace, The King of Love, The Author and Finisher of our faith, The Vine, The Gate, The Deliverer, The Hope, The Rock, The Chief Cornerstone, Our Redeemer and The Advocate.

When you know Jesus you will know all of the wonderful things that He did for you. You will learn that He bought you a life of love, joy, happiness, optimism, good cheer, peace, perfect health, prosperity, dominion over the evil one and all of his powers.

That teaching is based on these scriptures among many others:

Luke 2:10,13-14, Isaiah 53:4, John10:10,1Peter 2:1-4,
Matthew 8:16-17, John 3:16, John 15:13, John14:2, John14:27, Psalm23:2, John 16:23, Romans 15:13 Luke10:18-19, Mark 16-17)

When you know Jesus, you will learn that He does not do or allow evil. You will know that He does not take things from you to teach you. You will know that Jesus does not give and then take what He has given. You will know that He has given us the same power that He had. You will know that He will give you whatsoever things you ask, yes anything, without hesitation or qualification. (John 14:12-14, John 15:7 Matthew 18:19, John 16:24, Mark 11:22-24)

With the same amount of investment in time, energy, life, and love you make in learning the Words of Jesus, meditating on them, making them your truth and only truth, the more knowledge of Him will be given to you and you will be abundantly and richly furnished! (Matthew 13:12, Mark 4:24)

We sit in pews every Sunday, Sunday after Sunday and know only what is taught to us by preachers. That is not the intimacy that He seeks!!

Jesus wants us to study and learn and keep His Words and guard them in our hearts strongly so that the evil one, our flesh and the ignorant paradigms (God is in control, God only helps those who help themselves, The good Lord gives and the good Lord takes away, God will not bless sinners. All non biblical paradigms) of others can not paint an incorrect image of our Lover and King.

What God wants from us, and all that He wants from all mankind is to know Him, Know his Words and passionately and steadfastly believe them without a shadow of a doubt. God craves us to love Him with all of our heart, mind and being.

He wants us to cherish Him above all other things, not grudgingly or out of necessity but out of our deep love for Him and our gratitude to Him for all that He has done for us.

We don’t need to ask Him for anything. He already gave us ALL THINGS that pertain to life and Godliness. That word ALL means ALL.

“Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative) of Jesus:

To those who Have (Now, Already) received and possess [by God’s will] a precious faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus.
(When we make Jesus our King, at that instant, we receive His faith which means living in this present moment, celebrating the receipt of His great and precious promises, regardless of what we see.)

Grace and peace [that special sense of spiritual well-being] be multiplied to you in the [true, intimate] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

Our new relationship with God is based not on what we do, but on what He did. Now we live by Grace; (God’s willingness, ability, and power that has done for us what we cannot or will not do for ourselves) through Faith(Hebrews 11:1, 2Peter1:1-4)
“His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] EVERYTHING necessary for life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” (Including His Faith!)

“For by these, He has bestowed on us His precious and magnificent promises [of inexpressible value], so that through them, you may escape from the immoral freedom and lust that is in the world because of disreputable desire, and become sharers of the divine nature.”

Ask yourself this question: If God has already given us all things that pertain to life and Godliness, why do we pray and ask Him to give us those things?

Instead of asking God to forgive you, heal you, bless you, prosper you, deliver you from evil, give you favor etc; why not live in this moment praising Him and celebrating the receipt of those things regardless of what you see?

If you like so many people find the Bible hard to read and comprehend, Please only use and Amplified Bible. It is the purest translation from Aramaic, Latin, Greek and Hebrew texts to English. I use it for all of my writings.

Would you like to have a life of divine prosperity, perfect health, the peace of Jesus, grace, truth, fun, and joy?

Would you like to live without fear, anxiety, stress, competition, meanness, and tiredness?

I pray that this teaching has blessed you! If so, please pass it to another who will be blessed1

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At our website you will find more than 280 teachings in written, video and audio formats. You can view some of our video teachings at right now under
Pastor Allen Fleming They will all make you think, entertain you and teach you all about the nature of our king.

Thank you!
Pastor Allen Fleming
Throne of Grace
P.O.BOX 669153
Marietta, Georgia 30066