What Jesus Bought For Us With His Blood Part 1

This is the first of a series of teachings about what happened on the cross. There is so much detail that it is impossible to cover in a thirty-minute sermon on Easter Sunday. If you follow us and continue reading our posts, you will be amazed at what you learn and unlearn. That is a promise from the Holy Spirit.

These are NOT short teachings. There is a reason. It is that there have been far too many short teachings that take the true meaning of the Words of Jesus and His Gospel out of context to fit time and space requirements. We however teach in context, or for a technical explanation we do exegesis teachings.
Condensed out of context teachings have caused many false sermons/messages and learnings to take place, along with mistranslations and misunderstandings of the true nature of Jesus. 

These writings are intended to help those who really cherish our King, learn what has been omitted from their weekly visits to church—not judging the preachers. They mean the best, but are constrained by the time allowed them after the singing and announcements and pronouncements.

My belief is that those who diligently seek His righteousness and glory will invest the time to learn the Truth. 
It never fails to make me Shake My Head when people who spend an entire day watching football are offended when asked to read for thirty minutes, the instruction manual for a loving, joyous, happy, prosperous, healthy, new life.

That said, for those who like snippets and short paragraph teachings, I get it. So I am accommodating you on twitter. Please follow me at @jesuspal.

We also have posted many video clips on YouTube under Pastor Allen Fleming, for those who like videos better than reading. We also have posted many audio teachings on our website. You can transfer these to your iPod and listen to them in your car or while you walk or run or anywhere you go. 

Here then is teaching number one on:

All about the fulfillment and end of the law!

What law? The ten commandments and the six hundred and three man-made ordinances required of the Jews.

Pay attention to this declaration from Jesus:
“For I assure you, most solemnly say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke [of the pen] will pass from the law until all things [which it foreshadows] are accomplished.”
So; until Jesus fulfilled every commandment by obeying every single mark and comma in them at the moment He abandoned His earth suit, they were in effect. Meaning that He, His disciples, and every Jew He taught were responsible for keeping them until He breathed His last breath.
That is why He taught the Jews to pray and ask for their daily bread. We do not need to ask because when He died, Jesus bought for us all things that apply to life and Godliness, including His faith, with His blood. The Lords prayer was spoken to Jews who were under the law and them alone. NOT US. Why would we asked Jesus to forgive us when He died to forgive our sins?

The reason we are starting with the freedom of the Jews who were captive to their sins, and the law is that Jesus came first to the Jews then, to us. Jesus taught us that He came to set the captives free. All who sin are captive to the eternal punishment for their sins as were those captive to the obedience of the impossible to keep Hebrew laws.
Jesus was sent first to the Jews then to we non-Jews.

“And a Canaanite woman ( a gentile or a non-Jewish person) from that district came out and began to cry out urgently, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; a demon cruelly possesses my daughter.”  
But He did not say a word in answer to her. And His disciples came and asked Him repeatedly, “Send her away because she keeps shouting out after us.”  

He answered, “I was commissioned by God and sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  

But she came and kneeled before Him, saying, “Lord, help me!”  And He replied, “It is not good (appropriate, fair) to take the children’s ( The Jews, the children of Israel) bread and throw it to the pet dogs.”
Jesus in saying this mocked the belief of the Jews that they were superior to every other people in the eyes of God and men. He meant that He was sent first to the Jews then to the gentiles. The entire first and second chapter of Ephesians explains that God predestined we non-Jews to be saved through faith in Jesus.

Remember, on the night that God became a human baby; He sent His angels to pronounce a new deal that would last forever, for all of us!
Gabriel, the messenger of God, surrounded by a heavenly host, delivered God’s new program to the world when he spoke in a loud voice to the shepherds and to all people:

It is very important for us to know that God declared His new view of all people. Yes, God is the same now and forever, but He made a choice to no longer judge us based on our performance and without confusion, offers us a new program entirely different from His program before He came to us.
Clearly, it was God’s plan from the beginning to bring salvation to ALL people through Jesus. He was using this situation to demonstrate to the Jews His love for all who seek Him. Jesus NEVER refused a request from anybody regardless of their sins or station in life. Remember that!”
Back to the non-Jewish woman and Jesus:

She said, “Yes, Lord, but even the pet dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus answered her, “Woman, your faith is great; it will be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that moment.
(Matthew 15:22-28)

And there you have it!
Jesus demonstrated to the gentile lady, His disciples, and to all people for all time that salvation and blessings come from faith and not works and not, denomination or religion or race.

In almost every letter that Paul wrote, he wrote that Jesus was sent first to the Jews then to the gentiles.
The reason is that the Jews were God’s first chosen people. They were also by far the hardest to teach change. They were stiff-necked and slow to learn or believe new things. They always demanded signs and wonders before they would attempt to believe. They had a habit of killing prophets who taught them the truth instead of what they wanted to hear, as they did the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Paul in his letter to the church at Rome wrote:
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Gentiles.” 
(Romans 1:16)

Jesus came to save us all. So in this teaching, we will cover how He saved the Jews from their sins and the law, the ten commandments, and the six hundred and three attached ordinances. 

Many Bible teachers make the same mistake frequently in repeating a comment from the Holy Spirit to our teacher Paul: 

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. For the Law of the Spirit of life in Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and of death!”
(Romans 8:1-2)

The first statement applies to all people. The second only to Jews.
The only people who were ever under the law were the Jews, so Jesus can’t have freed any non-jews from the law that never applied to them! Never forget this. Many “Believers” are under the false belief that they must keep the Jewish law. 

I do not judge them. We are what we have learned or been taught. The fault lies with teachers who should have known better. It is insane for a Christian church to have the ten commandments in front of their buildings.
Every single “believer” should have Ephesians 2:8-12, and the entire book of Galatians memorized. They are the cornerstone of the Truth about our relationship with God. If you meditate on them, you will understand.

“Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles (Non-Jews, Us) in the flesh, who are called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands— remember that you were at that time separated from Jesus and alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”
(Ephesians 2:11-12)

That statement is to us from the Holy Spirit through Paul, our appointed by God, teacher. It makes it clear that NOBODY but Jews were obligated in any way to obey the impossible to keep laws that the Jews placed upon themselves. 
Some wise guy always responds to the scriptures with this statement based on ignorance or unbelief or mistranslation of this comment from Jesus:
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments!”
(John 14:15)

Here is their recurring statement based on false understanding:“See, see, see Pastor; why did Jesus command us to keep the commandments?”
Go back and read Jesus’s teaching: “If you love ME, you will keep MY commandments!” Not the ten commandments and the laws of the Jews! “My Commandments”

Another of the works workers false beliefs that they
have put on unsuspecting converts is this one:
“If the law does not apply to non-Jews, why did Jesus say that the greatest law was the first commandment? 
Get this picture, the Pharisees are trying to trap Jesus into making a false statement, and they ask Him this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

This answer does not say anywhere that we are obligated to keep those commandments for salvation or blessings. Although, they are His commands. I know, it can be confusing.
Jesus wants us to obey Him because we accept His immeasurable love for us and love Him back, not out of fear of punishment if we fail. God does not keep a record of wrongs.
In fact, for those of us who choose to believe in Him and believe Him, God Jesus, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit has removed our sins from Him and us as far as the east is from the west. He has chosen to forgive us once for all and to never remember or be able to recall our sins!
Jesus forgave us once for all and has chosen to never remember our sins. He can not even recall our sins. That is why confessing them to Him is ridiculous. First He knows what we do and second He forgets our sins and mistakes immediately.
Before your head explodes and you write to me how wrong I am, meditate deeply on these scriptures: (Psalm 101:1-3, Zephaniah 3:17, Hebrews 8:12 and Hebrews 10:10) Once you get them settled into your heart, then tell me if you think I made a false statement.
A great mystery is why most “believers” have either not been taught or refuse to believe this clear unambiguous declaration from Jesus:
“Then (after Jesus had told the Jews and the Gentiles that the law was over and that faith in Him was its replacement.) they said , What are we to do, that we may habitually be working the works that God requires of us? Jesus replied, This is the work that God asks of you that you believe in the One Whom He has sent.”
(John 6:28-29)
That statement of fact was so profoundly opposite of what the Jews believed that all of Jesus’s followers ran away from Him except the twelve and they would have but they didn’t know where to run. Hilarious story, Read it all in John chapter six.
That dear reader, is the Gospel of Jesus. Period! All that is required of us is to believe in and believe the One Whom He Has Sent!”
Jesus forgave us once for all and has chosen to never remember our sins. He can not even recall our sins. That is why confessing them to Him is ridiculous. First He knows what we do and second He forgets our sins and mistakes immediately.
Before your head explodes and you write to me how wrong I am, meditate deeply on these scriptures: (Psalm 101:1-3, Zephaniah 3:17, Hebrews 8:12 and Hebrews 10:10) Once you get them settled into your heart, then tell me if you think I made a false statement.
Here is one of Jesus’s commandments: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” Jesus gave us more commands than God the Father gave the Jews by far. Another: “Judge not lest you be judged!”. And: “Do not worry!” How many of Jesus’s commands do you know?

In our next teaching in this series, we will learn precisely how Jesus freed the Jews from the law of sin and death.
All of the things you read about today, are explained in detail in the Holy Spirits message delivered in His book:
“Why Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin”
Available at: KNOWJESUSKNNOWGRACE.COM Amazon.com
The purpose of promoting the book is to obey Jesus’s command to us to take the Gospel into all the world. For the cynics, in the three years since the book was published we have not recovered ten percent of the cost of publication and we give away more books than we sell.
If any among you want to learn the Gospel in a detailed way, but can not afford the cost of the book, about fourteen dollars, let us know and we will supply you one.
Thanks to your generous offerings and sharing the teachings we are reaching between forty-five thousand and one hundred thousand folks every week with the unqualified, unedited, un-compromised Truth of the Words of Jesus.
We need your offerings to help us pay for the posting of our weekly teachings. The vehicle you are reading it in charges us. We are not begging or trying to enrich ourselves. All offerings, no matter how small or large, are needed, appreciated, and tax-deductible as we are a 501c3 ministry.
You may make a secure, confidential online offering at the following link by following the prompts;

KNOWJESUSKNOWGRACE.COM Or you may make your check payable to Throne of Grace and send it to the address below.
Thank you!!

Pastor Allen Fleming
Throne of Grace Ministries, Inc. KNOWJESUSKNOWGRACE.COM P.O.BOX 669153
Marietta, Georgia 30066