What Do You Believe?



A prophet is not without honor….. Except..in his own town and among his friends and among his family.

Recently one of my close relatives was speaking to another. She stated that she does not believe my teachings. Nothing astounding here. My only question is: which specific scriptures that I teach do you not believe?

A book I once read stated that, “It is impossible for the light to penetrate the armor of self righteousness.” I bought that concept then and still do.

It has always been a mystery to me, how one can claim to believe in Jesus; while at the same time rejecting His Word. I do not understand how one may believe some of what Jesus said and not believe Everything He Taught.

Some among us are so entrenched in doctrinal paradigms, that they are unwilling to accept the teachings 

of Jesus. This is their mental dialogue:

“How dare you teach that the ten commandments never applied to Christians or anybody but the Jews? We have the ten commandments on a sign in front of our church!”

(Ephesians 2:11&12, Galatians chapter 3)

“I believe my Pastor! My Pastor taught me to pray for healing. Therefore it could not be possible for Jesus to have healed me once and for all on the cross?” (Isaiah 53:4, 2Peter1:24, Psalm 103:2)

“You are blaspheming God when you say that we have the same power and even greater power than Jesus and that it is our right and responsibility to use those powers.” 

“You teach that Jesus will personally grant us whatever we ask and anything that we ask, so that the Father will be glorified through the son!” Dr. Fuddledud never taught us this and if it were true he surely would have.”

(John 14:12-14)

“Dr. Fuddledud graduated from a very well known and respected Theological Seminary and he says those of you who teach and believe in prosperity are liars, false prophets and thieves.”

(Deuteronomy 8:18, John 10:10, Mark 11:22-24, Luke 6:38 2Corinthians 9:11)

“Dr. Fuddledud teaches that our loving God sometimes takes people, the good Doc tells us that God takes our things away from us, burns houses up, and punishes us to teach us things and He allows evil and death and is in control.” 

“You teach that God is not a thief and does not do evil or kill people. (John 10:10, John 3:16, Romans 8:1, John 3:17&18)

“You teach that God is not in control and that if He were, earth would be heaven. It is blasphemy to say that God is not omnipotent.” (Deuteronomy 30:19, Genesis 2:16-17, Galatians 5:13, Joshua 24:15, Romans 13:2)

“I believe my denomination and they tell me to confess my sins and repent. How then could Jesus have forgiven me and every one else once and for all, for all of our sins past, present and future? 

“Why is asking Jesus to forgive me the most insulting statement of unbelief I can speak to Him?”

(Hebrews 10:10, Psalm 103:3, Psalm 103:12, Matthew 26:28, Colossians 2:13&14, 2Corinthians:5:19)

“You must be insane! How can you possibly believe that Jesus has already given us everything we will ever want and need, therefore we don’t need to ask Him for anything?” 

“How can you say that instead of praying and begging God for things, we are to joyfully expect and cerebrate that we have already received whatever it is we desire, regardless of what we see?(1Peter1:1-4, Psalm23:1, Psalm 37:25)

“Dr. Fuddeldud teaches that Jesus whips and scourges His followers. You say that He doesn’t, I believe Dr. Fudd!

(John 3:16-18 Romans 8:1)

“My Pastor taught me that the evil one is cunning and super intelligent. He says that satan is imbued with all manner of powers and that we must fight him tooth and nail, lest he take everything we have. Don’t you remember when he made that little girl spin her head around in a circle and puke pea soup?

“You teach that satan has no power except to lie! You teach that we have dominion over every power of the evil one and that we can not be harmed in anyway. Are you crazy or stupid? (Luke 10:18)

“Dr. Fudd teaches us that God tests us. You teach that He is not tested by evil neither does He test any man.”

(James 1:13)

“Dr. Fudd instructs us to pray for wisdom and you teach that we have the mind of Jesus! (1Corinthians 2:16)

It recently occurred to me that a large percentage of 

folk who claim to be “born again believers”, aren’t.

Being born again and accepting Jesus are not at all synonymous. To be born again means to accept Jesus, surrender to Him, become willing to change, to change and to produce good fruit. It means to not be ashamed of any Words that Jesus spoke no matter how controversial.

I have friends who will not introduce me as their Pastor, or Pastor Allen because they are ashamed of what I teach. They are literally afraid that they will lose their friend if the friend hears or reads my teachings. My teachings are direct quotations from Jesus, and the other God ordained, Spirit directed authors of the Gospel.

(Romans 1:16, Matthew 10:32)

Wrap up: Jesus suffered horrendously to leave us the Holy Spirit, His great and precious promises and His power. Imagine how He feels when we reject His free gifts and His promises.

Everyday I see people who are needlessly sick, or poor, or depressed or sad or powerless. I see sad sacks who claim to be believers, yet don’t. I see people who claim to be believers but can’t bring 5 teachings of our King to mind. They are horrible witnesses to non-believers. 

Recommendation: Regardless of what Dr. Fuddledud  teaches, learn the Word! Study it, eat it, make it the energy source of your life, cling to it, rely on it, turn to it.

When you learn the Word you will discover the true character of our King and that His essence is love.

Make a decision to believe beyond the shadow of a doubt, every single Word that Jesus spoke, He guaranteed with His blood.

What Do You Believe?

Ask yourself this question: Do you believe that Jesus may not, Jesus might, Jesus will, or Jesus has?

This message was issued by the Holy Spirit and was presented to you by Pastor Allen Fleming who is the leader of Throne of Grace KnowJesusKnowGrace.Com ministries. 

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We hope that this message blessed and grew you Spiritually. If so, please pass it to another who will be blessed. 

Thank You, 

Pastor Allen Fleming

Throne of Grace Ministries

P.O.BOX 669153

Marietta, Georgia 30066


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