There is Always Something



The Watchman (Holy Spirit) opens the door for this man(Jesus), and the sheep (those of us who believe and believe in Jesus, His sheep) listen to His voice and pay attention to it; and He calls His own sheep by name and brings them out” (to green pastures).

When He has brought His own sheep outside, He walks on before them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice.”

(John 10:3-4)

That is for the folks (including many believers) who think I am nuts because I tell them that I spend most of my day listening and talking to Jesus.

So it was just one of those seasons that happen to all of us. My air conditioner and heater went out, and I had to buy them both new, the ice maker went out, a big problem with my car engine developed, and a plumbing issue happened, all very expensive, and a huge problem occurred with the ministry.

The truth, of course, is that all of these problems had been solved by Jesus before they happened.

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In this world, you have tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration; but BE OF GOOD CHEER, take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted! I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you!”

(John 16:33)

Knowing the Word is great. But unfortunately, employing it under fire is easier said than done. 

As often happens, I got in my flesh and worried. Then, at the height of my little pity party, I heard Jesus say these words: “THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING!”


I received and meditated on those words. How True. It hit me like a left hook from Muhammed Ali. There is always something to distract us from Jesus, His promises, and His truth. 

The stench in God’s nostrils is always cleverly and stealthily attacking us with thoughts of gloom, despair, and agony.

“The washing machine sounds funny. Oh no! I can’t afford a new washing machine.”

“I have a symptom. It is an inoperable cancer.”

“My boss did not hug me and tell me how he would be lost without me today. I’m fired.”

“My wife did not tell me that she loves me today. So she must be having an affair.”

One of life’s great mysteries is why it is so easy to accept a negative thought and how difficult it is even for the most optimistic person to think positive first.

It happens to even the greatest believers of the Gospel and promises of Jesus.

After meditating on those words, Jesus told me to say them out loud whenever I get tempted to worry about any situation. So I tried it, and it works like crazy. 

Those words remind me that the evil one has no power except to try to get me into agreement with his negative thoughts, go into unbelief and doubt and receive the things I fear.

They remind me of the millions of negative thoughts and images that the evil one has sold me over the years that never came true. When I repeat Jesus’s words, it puts the fear or anxiety of the day into the same box of lies the evil one has sold me in the past and causes me to reject them.

Now I say them the instant the negative thought comes up and I tell satan that I refuse to buy his lie.

After I started practicing using this fantastic tool and became comfortable with it, Jesus taught me the flip side.


Now when the old snake slithers around trying to sell fear, doubt, and unbelief, I say: There Is Always Something, and I am not accepting your garbage. Then I say There Is Always Something Good to focus on, and I allow Holy Spirit to direct my mind to the appropriate scripture that addresses that issue.

The Late Great theologian Loyd Skidmore coined a phrase that capsulizes the Gospel of Jesus perfectly:

Believe and Receive, Doubt and do without!”

I add that phrase to “THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING”!


I would love to receive your thoughts on this message. There are hundreds of scriptures and promises of Jesus that we could have attached to it, but Holy Spirit told me to let you do your own research on them.


Jesus loves you (personally) so much, regardless of your performance or lack thereof, that He suffered the worst death any human ever has or will to make it possible for you to transition into the glorious life He has created for you simply by believing without a doubt.

How much do you love Him? You have read David’s confession or love letter. What do you say about Jesus?

A great way to start is to write what He has done for you and what He means to you.

If you need help, use David’s confession in Psalm 23 as your guide.