The Beginning of Christmas…

The Beginning of Christmas…

Christmas never began and will never end. Christmas was in the beginning and will be forever.
Check this out:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without
Him nothing was made. In Him was life and the pulsating.
Illuminating energy that maintains all things and inhabits every cell and subcell and every single one of the infinite
particles that created and maintain humans and everything else.”
(John 1:1-3)

“And the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us, and we witnessed His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of GRACE AND TRUTH.”
(John 1:14)

Jesus was not born. He always has and will always be. He is the alpha (the beginning) and the omega (the end).
Here is what we celebrate at “Christmas”:

God had to have a flesh body to come into the World. He needed to come into the world and be tempted with all of the evil with which men are tempted and more; so that He could become the spotless lamb. He needed to be spotless and without sin so that He could offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for all of our sins: past, present, and future.

God needed a human body to suffer from and thus destroy every disease known and unknown to man. So, He caused Himself through Himself, in the person of The Holy Spirit to enter the womb of a virgin, to enter earth as a human. He needed to come to the World through the womb of a virgin to maintain the purity that would make Him qualified to ransom us from our sins.

“I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
(John 14:7)

God in the person of Jesus clearly stated that He and God are the same. As is, the Holy Spirit.

In our next teaching, we will begin to study the characters involved in God’s triumphant entry into the earth.

Think on the parallel between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This event is known as Palm Sunday, the day when the people of Jerusalem celebrated the coming of their King.

Please Visit our website:


Then follow the prompts to order this personal love letter from Jesus
in the person of the Holy Spirit, to you. You personally. Seriously, this
book was dictated by the Holy Spirit and created to be placed in your
hands. Because Jesus wants you to know every one of the great and
precious promises that He made to (fill in your name) and guaranteed
with His Blood.

It is also available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, YouTube and ITunes in traditional and digital formats through kindle.

When you read it, please give us a positive review on Amazon. Also,
please consider purchasing copies for family and friends as Christmas gifts. They have never read a book like this and it will bless them beyond measure.

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We minister to more than 35,000 people in 104 countries each year. We are a 501c3 tax exempt Ministry. All offerings no matter how small or large are Needed and appreciated especially in December when we help others the most. Won’t you join us in our vital mission of taking the unabridged Gospel of Jesus to folk who would otherwise never see or hear it?

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Where you will find hundreds of Video, Written and Audio teachings; about the truth of what our KING taught.

Thank you,

Pastor Allen Fleming
Throne of Grace
Marietta, Georgia, 30066