Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a

(Isaiah 7:14)

And the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you, have found grace (God’s willingness, ability, and power, that has done those things for us that we can not or will not do for ourselves. I,e. be saved.) with God. 

“And listen! You will become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His forefather David, 

And He will reign over the house of Jacob (Everyone who worships the one true God. Meaning God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) throughout the ages, and of His reign, there shall be no end.”

Now at this time, Mary arose and hurried to the hill country, to the city of Judah (Judea), and she entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.


Pay strict attention to what went on here.

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered by Him. And she exclaimed loudly, “Blessed worthy to be praised; are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 

And how has it happened to me that the mother of my Lord would come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.  

And blessed spiritually fortunate and favored by God is she who believed and confidently trusted that there would be a fulfillment of the things spoken to her [by the angel sent from the Lord.”

Go back and reread those verses over and over until you get what happened. Think about this: Mary was not showing she had just then been impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth had no way of knowing that she was pregnant. She had no idea that Mary would deliver God into the World in a flesh suit. Nor did she know what Mary said to Gabriel. Elizabeth had no means by which she could know Mary’s reaction to Gabriel.

Here is what happened. Remember that Gabriel told Zachariah that John (Elizabeth’s Son) would be filled with the Holy Spirit from conception. So when Mary stood in the presence of John in Elizabeth’s womb, John, drunk in the power of the Holy Spirit, leaped for joy because he knew that he was in the presence of God.

At that instant, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and was given Spiritual Vision and understanding. She knew everything in the blink of an eye.

This astounding event is just part of the very complex set of actions set in motion by God’s eternal, unqualified, infinite, unbreakable love for you (fill in your name) just the way you are; at the moment that sin entered the earth through the knowledge of good and evil.

The intricate mosaic of the myriad events leading to the birth of Jesus was orchestrated by God’s desire to have you with Him for all of eternity. That is why He became a human, to pay for all of your sins past, present, and future. You are His glorious inheritance.

Here are some scriptures to meditate on, especially in celebration of Christmas:

(Isaiah 53:4-5, Psalm 103:1-3and 12, 1 Peter 2:24, John 3:16-18, John 14:7, John 1:29, John 3:16-18, Hebrews 8:10-12, Hebrews 10:10-18)

Gabriele, the personal messenger of God, made His third appearance when He came to the Shepherds. During this visit, God announced the end of one era and the beginning of an entirely new one based on our acceptance of Jesus.

When Gabriele appeared to the terribly shocked and afraid Shepherds, he told them a fact that we must never forget!


(Luke 2:10)

If the message you hear is not “GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY,” it is not the Gospel of Jesus.

Here is a fact we must NEVER FORGET! When God entered His earth suit, He declared PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO ALL MEN AND STATED THAT HE IS WELL PLEASED WITH HIS CREATION, and He punctuated His declaration by delivering it through an army of the troops of heaven!

Check it out:

“Then suddenly there appeared with the angel (Gabriele) an army of the troops of heaven a heavenly knighthood, praising God and saying, Glory to God in heaven, and on earth PEACE AMONG MEN WITH WHOM HE IS WELL PLEASED!

God is not mad at us. Certainly, He is not pleased with the rampant sin in the world, but he is not angry at us.

All God asks of us in return for the lavish blessings that He has poured out on us, beginning with everlasting life with Him, is that we believe and believe in the One Whom He Has Sent!

(John 6:28-29, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10)

A very Mary Christmas to each of you!

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If you liked or loved this teaching, you will love Holy Spirits book titled:

Why Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin!”

Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin’ because He already did everything. The book explains the program. It is available on Amazon. Barnes and Noble, Walmart online, and wherever books are sold online.

You may also find many of our teaching videos on YouTube under Pastor Allen Fleming.

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Marietta, Georgia 30066

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A very Mary Christmas to you all!