Health and Healing


Health and Healing

We have had many requests for prayer for folks attacked by various degrees of cancer and other serious illnesses recently.

Holy Spirit led us to send this teaching to those who are ill and their friends and relatives.

Jesus bore (from the Hebrew Nacah, meaning carried away) all diseases known and unknown to man on the cross.

A message to Isaiah: the Prophet from Holy Spirit about Jesus:

Surely(not maybe) He(Jesus)  has (past, present tense meaning already)borne our griefs (from the Hebrew Choli meaning: diseases, illnesses, maladies, sicknesses, infirmities, and calamities.

And He has carried our sorrows (mental health issues) and pains;

Yet we ignorantly assumed that He was stricken,

Struck down by God and degraded and humiliated by Him.

But He was wounded for our transgressions,

He was crushed for our wickedness, our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing; The punishment required for our peace fell on Him,

And by His stripes wounds, we are healed.”

(Isaiah 53:4-5)

A report from Matthew, the disciple who saw it with his own eyes:

When evening came, they brought to Him many who were under the power of demons; and He cast out the evil spirits with a word, and restored to health ALL who were sick so that He fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES [upon Himself] AND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES.”

(Matthew 8:16-17)

A report from Peter the Disciple, who was also an eyewitness:

He (Jesus) himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds, you have been (past, present tense meaning already) healed!”

(1 Peter 2:24)

King David, operating in the office of the Prophet, was led by Holy Spirit to write these words:

BLESS (affectionately gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not any of His many benefits–

Who forgives every one of  your iniquities, WHO HEALS ALL OF YOUR DISEASES!”

(Psalm 103:1-3)

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, IT IS FINISHED!’ and He bowed his head and gave up His Spirit.” 

(John 19:30)

When Jesus declared those Words, He meant them! He left nothing undone.

So, Jesus is not going to heal anybody! He already did that on the cross! We have been taught incorrectly to ask Jesus to do things that He has already done.

People ask me, “Well, Pastor Allen, why does illness exist if Jesus healed us all on the cross? Why does God permit children to get sick and die?”

These questions are the product of thousands of years of false teachings and non-biblical cliches being deposited in our hearts and minds.

Here is the biggest lie/non-biblical cliche that religion and the evil one have foisted on the children of God:

“GOD IS IN CONTROL!” Insanity!! But we were taught it, and we bought it! This statement implies that God is a murderer, a thief, and complicit with the evil one in every evil act humans commit. It is mind poison, and saying it is spitting in God’s face. It implies that whatever illness attacks a person was conceived and planned by God. It implies that people ravaged with terminal diseases, including innocent children, are suffering from the capricious mood swings of God. As shocking as it is, many who call themselves “born-again Christians, say it constantly!


It is urgent to understand that God does not do or allow evil!

Read the Words of Jesus our King:

There is one who comes but to kill, steal, and destroy. I have come that they would have life and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10)

BELIEVE THIS! If God were in control, every single being would believe and believe in Jesus and would act like it. Earth would, in fact, be heaven.

THE TRUTH is that God gave man free will! So we are in control. That was a choice, a risk that He took, betting that we would follow Him and live as He would have us live. It didn’t work out that way, but He was willing to take the risk. It is man’s free will that leads to evil, not God! It is man rejecting Jesus and being led by our flesh and the evil one that leads to destruction.

Here are some scriptures to meditate on that state that man was given free will:

(Deuteronomy 30:19, John 1:12, and John 3:16-18)

Think about this eyewitness account from Matthew the Disciple:

“And He went about all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Good News (His Gospel is always Good News) of the Kingdom, and HEALING EVERY DISEASE and EVERY WEAKNESS AND INFIRMITY among the people.

So the report of Him spread throughout all of Syria, and they brought Him ALL who were sick, those afflicted with various diseases and torments, those under the power of demons, epileptics, and paralyzed people, AND HE HEALED THEM ALL!

(Matthew 4:23-25)

If it were God’s will that any be sick for any reason, why did He go about healing every disease when He walked the earth?

Okay, so what is the answer to why believers get sick? How often have you heard “believers” say that a person got sick and died because they didn’t have enough faith to receive healing? Utter hogwash! Totally impossible.

When we believe and believe in Jesus, we get His faith!!!!

The faith of Jesus is full and complete!!! It can not lack or be added to, multiplied, divided, subtracted from, or lost!

“SIMON PETER, a servant and apostle (a special messenger with a special message) of Jesus to those (whoever believes and believes in Jesus) WHO HAVE (past-present tense meaning already) RECEIVED LIKE PRECIOUS FAITH WITH OURSELVES IN AND THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF OUR GOD AND SAVIOUR JESUS;

(2 Peter 1:1)

We have the faith of Jesus. We also have the free will decision to use it or not. That is the issue.

What, then, is the problem? UNBELIEF! I can hear it now: my Mother/relative/friend/etc., believed and died from a horrible disease anyway. But what did they believe?

Other than God Himself, BELIEF AND UNBELIEF ARE THE MOST POWERFUL forces that exist.

Here is the real reason why we get sick and die. THE COLLECTIVE UNBELIEF OF THE PEOPLE.

In His own hometown, Jesus could do no mighty works because of the unbelief of the people!

(Mark 6:1-13)

Imagine, if you will, what the world would be like if even most of the people who lived when Jesus walked the earth and today decided to believe Him and believe in Him. Disease would have died with Him.

The collective belief of the people would have made the human immune system impenetrable. Illness could not overcome the power of belief.

The ignorance of what Jesus did on the cross and the lack of belief in Him and His works have caused disease and illness to run rampant and have diminished the human immune system, so there are hospitals on every corner.

We have been taught to pray incorrectly. Religion has taught us to pray and ask Jesus to do something He did once and for all.

When Jesus was faced with having to feed fifteen thousand people, He did not pray and ask God to feed them. He did not beg God for food. He simply “Gave Thanks.” And enough food overflowing appeared for all the people, and twelve baskets were left over for the unbelieving disciples. Jesus believed, declared His belief,  and received! (John 6:11)

How do we pray for ourselves and others who are sick? We celebrate their healing regardless of what we see, touch, hear, smell, or feel! We behave as if! How would you behave knowing that Jesus had healed your loved one or yourself? You would be ecstatic! You would dance for joy. Do that! BELIEVE NO MATTER WHAT!!

When we get sick, Jesus gave us the power to overcome that illness by believing and speaking. Jesus gave us the ability to do the very same works that He did on earth and even greater than those. He also gave us the power to speak things into and out of existence. Jesus taught us that what is in our hearts will come out of our mouths and that we will have whatever we say as long as we believe without doubt that what we say shall come to pass.

(Luke 6:45, Mark 11:22-24, John 14:12-14)

The late great theologian Loyd Skidmore coined this phrase that sums up the teachings of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords:

“Believe and Receive, Doubt and Do Without”

That says it all. Be careful not to ask people to pray for the sick but to celebrate in belief that Jesus has healed them and that Holy Spirit has opened the eyes of their understanding so that they will believe and receive what He has done. Pray that they will receive, by His faith, what He gave them by faith.



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If you liked or loved this teaching, you will love Holy Spirits book titled:

Why Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin’!”

Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin’ because He already did everything. The book explains the program. It is available on Amazon. Barnes and Noble, Walmart online, and wherever books are sold online.

You may also find many of our teaching videos on YouTube under Pastor Allen Fleming.

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