The Good News is that joy, happiness, health, prosperity, peace can all be yours. All that is required is that you choose to believe Jesus and learn and accept His “Great and Precious Promises”. You do that by choosing to believe Jesus more than the apparent circumstances. You do it by living in this present moment one day at a


Sometimes our pride and ego and long learned false paradigms that we will defend to the death, obstruct us from learning, accepting and receiving the many gifts that Jesus gave us.

I read a meditation a long time ago that stated:

“It is impossible for the Light to penetrate the armor of self-righteousness.” Many times I have attempted to convince righteous pew sitters of the truth, the results were not positive. Once when I taught this as a guest speaker at a church, a man came up to me called me a liar and wanted to fight me in the parking lot.

Jesus is the Light. He is the pulsating, illuminating energy that created and maintains all things. Jesus told us that He is the light. Jesus is also His Word. He and His Word were with God from the very beginning.

The evil one is the opposite of Jesus. He is darkness and the darkness hates the Light. He is the father of all lies. The only power he has left is the power to lie to us in our minds and to con us into believing him. He has been selling the same old lie since Adam and Eve. He questions the veracity of the Word. Here is how that sounds. “Surely He did not say!”

I am certain this does not happen in your church, but in many, the truth of the Gospel of Jesus is frequently and in some cases, vehemently questioned and even denied. Here is an example: “Jesus did not mean that we have the same power as He used to do mighty miracles.” When in fact, He did:

(John 14:12)

Here is another whopper authored by the evil one: Jesus heals some but not others. WRONG! Jesus healed us all once and for all by dying from every disease known and unknown to us including mental disorders and accidents.

(Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16-17, 1Peter2:24, Psalm 103:3)

The Holy Spirit has told me that the willingness to learn and to change, are two of the most important keys to the Kingdom.

We tend to build religious paradigms and opinions that cause us to become rigid, self-righteous, and, incapable of learning new messages from Jesus.

Are you willing to learn new things about the Gospel of Good News which shall be of Great Joy to all of the people? I believe the answer for most of you is YES!

If so you are about to learn the Good News that Jesus brought us! If so, you are about to know the truth that will make you free from the bondage of works.

In the parable of the sower, which Jesus said was the most important of all parables and essential for us to understand, He talked about “Good Soil.” Jesus was speaking of teachableness. 

The origin of the word humility is the root word humus which means soft and pliable soil. When Jesus talks about good soil He means a teachable heart. Only those with a willingness and desire to learn and change can walk in the fullnes of the life that Jesus prepared for us.

Jesus teaching:

And other seed fell into good soil, and as the plants grew and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundred times as much as had been sown.” And He said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear and heed My words.”

(Mark 4:8)

I have a passionate desire to see all people walking in the love, the power, the peace, the joy, the health, the courage, the victory in every situation, and the prosperity and abundance that Jesus guaranteed us by His horrid death.

Jesus gave us His peace. One of His most essential declarations is this one: “Come to me all of you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Learn of Me. My yoke is light. My burden is easy.”

So many people have been taught false doctrines, that

they have been brainwashed into a life of trying to please God by their performance and good works. Trying to please God by works is the heavy burden of which Jesus spoke.

People ask me this question: “Pastor Allen, what can I do to get God on my side.” The answer is nothing. He is already on our side. He has chosen to forgive all of our sins past, present and future and permanently remove them from His memory. 

He knows the plans that He has for us and the are good and not evil so that we may walk into a life that is wonderful.

(Hebrews 10:9, Hebrews 8:12, Psalm 103:3 and 12, Isaiah 53:4-5, Zephaniah 3:17)

When Jesus told the Jews that He was the replacement for the Law (The ten commandments and the attached 603 man-made ordinances), they went berserk. Most of His disciples ran away. The twelve would have too, but they didn’t know where to run. They asked Him this question: “What then are we to do to be continually doing the works that God requires of us?”

(John 6:28)

Jesus told them in no uncertain Words: “This is the work that God requires of you, that you believe in the one whom He has sent!” Period! This answer is true for all people. (John 6:29)

The Jews caused God to give them the impossible to keep commandments by rejecting God as their King, demanding a king and laws. They never applied to anyone but Jews. Non-Jews were lost in the world with no hope. Their only avenue to heaven was their belief in God and their good works.

Many People know Ephesians 2:8-9 by heart. The only problem is that those verses are taken out of context which only tells half of the story. Read and understand this revelation to Paul by Jesus as the Holy Spirit:

It is important to understand two very important definitions before you proceed:

Grace is God’s willingness, ability and power, that has done for us those things that we could not or would not do for ourselves. Like gaining salvation.

Faith is living in this present moment with joyful celebration of the blood-bought great and precious promises of Jesus, regarless of what we see, touch, smell, taste or hear!

For it is by grace that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this is not of yourselves but it is the free gift of God; not as a result of your works nor your attempts to keep the Law, so that no one will be able to boast or take credit in any way .  

For we are His workmanship created in Jesus for good works, which God prepared for us beforehand so that we would walk in them living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us.

Therefore, remember that at one time you Gentiles (non Jews) by birth, who are called “Uncircumcision” by those who called themselves “Circumcision,” itself a mere mark Which is made in the flesh by human hands— 


That at that time you were separated from Christ [excluded from any relationship with Him], alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise [with no share in the sacred Messianic promise and without knowledge of God’s agreements], having no hope [in His promise] and [living] in the world without God.”(Ephesians 2:8-12)

Here is another clear and unequivocal statement from the Holy Spirit through the God appointed teacher of non-Jews, Paul :

When non Jews who have not the law do instinctively what the Law requires, (Believe in the one whom He has sent.) they are a law to themselves since they do not have the law!” 

(Romans 2:14)

There you have it! Non-Jews were never under the Law.

The ten commandments and the attached 603 man-made ordinances!!!!!!! They only applied to the Jews. We were not under the Law then and never have been.

One of my fellow Pastors used to say from the pulpit: “If anyone can show me where and when non Jews were put under the law, I will eat this Bible, leather, maps and all right in front of them!” He knew that no one could do it.

What then was the purpose of the Law? To vehemently teach the chosen ones of God that they were full of sin and thus had no way to earn salvation except through a Savior who would fulfill the Law and nail it to the cross.

Many Preachers and teachers say something that is in complete error:

“Jesus freed us from the law of sin and death!” Impossible! We were NEVER under the law!

Jesus did free the Jews from the law of sin and death by fulfilling all of them. 

So now the only people who are under the law are those who choose to try to please God and earn salavation by keeping them. 

Woe to them they are cursed and doomed to destruction ( As is every human who rejects the salvation through faith, that Jesus offers!) They are then responsible for keeping all of them!

(Galatians 3:10)

Praise be to God the Father, God Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. all we need to do to please them is to believe in and believe Jesus. How is that for GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY WHICH SHALL BE TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE.

Here is the question that comes from the smart alecks who think they are smarter than God: “Oh yeah Pastor, so that now we are under this Grace and forgiveness can we do whatever we want?”

Paul answered them like this:

“What shall we say to all this? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that God’s gift of]grace may increase and overflow? Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer? (Romans 6:1-2)

Please Understand This: Paul and Jesus know that we all sin. They are not talking about occassional sin. They are talking of continuing in sin as a practice and habit.

Don’t you feel better having ingested the Truth? Do you feel that you have been made free?