Why Lord?

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Jesus gave us ALL things that pertain to life and godliness, Including Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and show us the things that are to come, His faith, His peace, His joy and gladness, the forgiveness of all of our sins; past, present, and future, Healing of all diseases and accidents, His power, the ability to speak things into and out of existence, dominion over the evil one and all of his servants, powers and authorities, the ability to gain wealth, the ability to do molecular transformation just as He did with the fig tree and moving the boat immediately across the lake, and much more, Especially the ability to have eternal life in His World.

Supporting scriptures in order of appearance: (2Peter 1:1-5, John 15:6, John 14:27, John 15:11, Psalm 103:1-3 and 12, Hebrews 8:10-12, Hebrews 10:10-18, Zephaniah 3:17, Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:16-17, 1Peter 2:24, Psalms 103:1-3, Luke 10:18, Luke 6:28, John 14:12-14, Mark 11:22-24, John 3:16-19, and Romans 10: 9-10)
The very fact that He actually died the most horrid death any human ever will or could, to guarantee us all of these blessings is hard enough to believe. Even harder is that all we need to receive them is to believe and believe in Him, yet, that is precisely what He said.
“Then they said, what are we to do, that we may be working the works of God? (What is it that God requires of us?”
“Jesus replied, “This is the work that God asks of you, that you believe and believe in the One Whom He has sent!” (John 6:28-29)

Yes, through His blood, Jesus guaranteed us His great and precious promises, and to receive them, all we need is to believe them. Remember that belief is a choice. It seems just too good to be true and too simple. But it is true.


”For God so loves the World (You. Fill in your name here) so much.”(John 3:16-19) 
“And I (Our appointed teacher Paul) pray that the eyes of your heart, the very center and core of your being, may be enlightened flooded with light by Holy Spirit so that you will know and cherish the hope, the divine guarantee, the confident expectation to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (Those who believe and believe in Jesus, YOU
(Ephesians 1:18)  
That is it!!! For God So Loves You that much! You are His glorious inheritance. That is why.

Jesus wants you to know that He cherishes you (fill in your name) without regard for your behavior, so much that He suffered the worst death any human ever could to buy you for Himself so that you would live with Him forever.
I believe that we could change the direction of the behavior of the people of the world from evil to good by simply teaching them that fact. Do you? If you agree with me, please help us send this message to people here and worldwide by giving safely and securely at our website below. Just click on the link and follow the prompts.
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If you liked or loved this teaching you will love the Holy Spirit dictated book:
“Why Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin!”
The reason Jesus Ain’t Gonna Do Nothin, is because He already did everything. The book explains the program. It is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
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