You Must Confess?

You Must Confess?

We have all been taught at some time in our lives that salvation requires confession. To many wrong-headed religious folks, this means that we must confess our sins

every time we sin. To these poor diluted folk, failure to report our sins is a mortal sin and will cost us our salvation.

Repentance is also tied to the works mindset. To these folk, this means to turn from our wicked ways and beg God for forgiveness for every sin.

You may have a difficult time believing this, but there are entire denominations that believe that repentance and confession is a game of musical chairs.

They honestly believe that if you fail to confess your most recent sin and you get run over by a stampeding herd of bovines, you will spend eternity in hell with old butt boil.

Confession and repentance are requirements for salvation in the beliefs of religious, works based, mean-spirited, ignorant, “believers.” These people have no clue of the nature of our King and even less about His teachings.

So let’s clear this up right now.

When Jesus instructed us to “repent and accept the Gospel” He meant for us to turn away from any other religion and live by His Gospel!


This commandment of Jesus was given to followers of false religions and to the Jews. He declared to them that they need let go of the Law of Moses (the ten commandments) and the 603 man-made laws and ordinances, and accept Him as their replacement.


Repetitive confession of sins is non-biblical hooey!

This ritual is man invented and Jesus resents it.

The man-made ritual of confession begins with the most insulting thing anyone can ever say to Jesus: “Forgive me Father for I have sinned.” Or dear Jesus forgive me please, please forgive me Jesus I sinned again.”

When you say this, You might as well spit in Jesus’s face.

Think about the way that Jesus was beaten and whipped nearly to death. He accepted that beating and whipping to pay for all of the sins of all mankind, Once For All.

(Isaiah 53:5 1Peter2:24 Hebrews10:10 Amplified Bible)

He received forty lashes from a whip that had bone shards and rocks inserted in their strands. He was nailed to the cross with railroad spikes being driven into his ankles and wrists. He was made to carry the huge crossbar of the cross on his bloody back that was filled with sweat nearly a mile. He was stripped naked spat upon, derided and shamed all along the way.  His rib cage and lungs were pierced by a long spear.

And you ask Him to forgive you?

Have you any idea how silly it is to confess our sins to God? As If He doesn’t know?

The only requirement for salvation period is to believe in Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus speaking: “For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son (God in a human body) that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall never perish but have everlasting life!”

(John 3:16 Amplified Bible)

Paul writing: “Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe

that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

(Romans 10:9 Amplified Bible)

What you just read is what confession is. PERIOD!

There are only 2 statements from God in the Bible about salvation and you just read them. Did you see ANYTHING about confession or repentance?

Some of you, without doubt, will quote 1John 1:9 to me.

“If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

That is the single most misinterpreted scripture in the Bible! What it means is that we must admit that we have sinned or we have no need for salvation. When we admit and confess to God, not man that we have sin in our lives, and we make Jesus the King of our lives, our sins are forgiven ONCE AND FOR ALL AND FOREVER.

We are cleansed from all unrighteousness at the moment

we choose to make Jesus the King of our lives!

Absorb these words about those who make Jesus their king, given to the prophet Zephaniah by God in the person of God:

“The Lord your God is in the midst of you a Mighty One, a Savior who saves. He will rejoice over you with Joy, He will rest in silent satisfaction and in His love He will be silent and make no mention of past sins OR EVEN RECALL THEM! He will exult over you with singing.”

(Zephaniah 3:15 Amplified Bible)

David under the direction of the Holy Spirit wrote these words about those who are saved through Jesus:

“For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great are His mercy and loving-kindness toward those who reverently and worshipfully fear (respect) Him.”

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us”

(Psalm 103:11&12  Amplified Bible)

Wrap up!

Choosing to believe that you are guilty is a profound statement of unbelief! If you believe that you are guilty you cannot also believe that Jesus forgave you on the cross.

Jesus does not judge or condemn “believers”!

(Romans 8:1)

When you confess your sins to Him He has no idea what you are talking about. He has no memory of them. Our Loving King does not live in the past! He lives in this present moment. Jesus does not keep a record of wrongs.

If Jesus does not judge or condemn you, Who are you to judge yourself or others?

Why not make a determined and intentional attempt to not waste time thinking about things that we cannot change, especially the past.

Try training yourself to live in the moment (no one is perfect at it but try your best) with JOYFUL expectation which is the evidence that we believe the promises of Jesus.

Maybe it will help you to know that Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. He doesn’t punish us by denying our needs or wants. That is entirely impossible because He gave us everything we will ever need or want on the cross.

Make a decision to believe that, and live because of that

decision; in the peace, joy, love, contentment and be worry-free. Jesus has already solved every problem in your life regardless of the size of the problem or how impossible it seems. Only you can choose to believe that.

Finally, ask yourself this question: When did Jesus ever deny a request or a blessing based on the recipient’s behavior. Jesus has forgiven me once and forever. When will I forgive myself?

This message was issued by the Holy Spirit and was presented to you by Pastor Allen Fleming who is the leader of Throne of Grace Ministries/KnowJesusKnowGrace.Com ministries. 

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We hope that this message blessed and grew you Spiritually. If so, please pass it to another who will be blessed.

Thank You,

Pastor Allen Fleming

Throne of Grace Ministries/


P.O.BOX 669153

Marietta, Georgia 30066

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