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It was a beautiful cool dry day. Airplanes fly better in low heat and humidity. Mr. Bob had just “soloed” (had me do 3 touch and goes while he stood on the ground and watched.) me and now he was bound and determined that I was not only going to pass my check ride, […]
I must have told Mr.K that I was a LOW time student pilot at least 3 times. He was a flight instructor that happened to be dating my daughter, and that is how I knew him. I had only about 15-20 hours all of which had been training on how to fly by Visual Flight […]
“32 Pappa Lima You are clear for immediate departure from runway 2 left!!!” It was a chamber of commerce day. High pressure. Blue Skies. And the Controller was busy. He had three in the pattern and when he said immediate he meant get the heck off of my runway. My flight instructor was a meticulous […]
It’s just the way it is. When you are the new kid in a strange town you have to find a way to fit into the group. This usually entails beating up the neighborhood bully, and accepting several double or even more urgent, triple dog dare you’s. When I moved to Tampa Florida at the […]
There I was a 12 year old boy full of energy, surrounded. So I sat in the hard wooden pew of the Methodist church in Madison Georgia, the prettiest town in America. On my left side was my maternal Grandmother “Mamma Dessa”. On my right side was my great aunt Stella whom I dearly loved, […]
This is not a short teaching. But I promise you that if you read it to the end you will be blessed beyond measure. Print it out and read it every morning and your life will change 100%! I promise that if you memorize the Good News herein, you will know a new peace and […]
Here is how to access that power. The power of life and death is in the tongue and the heart. And nothing is impossible for those who Believe!!!!! This teaching is not short but it is critical! When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and King, you received the same power that He […]
Dear Partners, We were out of town last week on a ministry trip to Florida where we were able to teach, minister to and pray with several folks. We attended a fantastic Bible study group taught by a highly anointed Jesus appointed teacher. At that study we were asked what makes men obey Jesus. I […]
Good Morning Folks!!!! I hope you had a fabulous day celebrating the death burial and resurrection of our King! But, don’t let the greatest news report of all time end there. Let’s take a look at what happened next. Mary went to the tomb and found it empty and then encountered Jesus. Jesus told her […]