Get the picture, There is a tremendous underdog at war with the greatest practicing warrior of his trade. Nobody, Nobody, Nobody has given this underdog the slightest chance of victory. If there was ever a David vs. Goliath analogy, this situation is perfectly reflected in it. The giant crept up on the underdog wielding his […]
If you have been reading my teachings, you know that my entire ministry is about teaching all people that their relationship with God is based on grace. Grace is God’s willingness ability and power to do those things for us that we can not or will not do for ourselves. ” For the law was […]
Want to have a great Christmas experience? You know what I mean. Do you want to have that touched by the Holy Spirit, real meaning of Christmas, not the materialistic blather feeling? Do you want to experience a close-ness to God this Christmas that you have rarely felt? Then instead of watching a football game […]
Think carefully about the answer to this question. Are you 100% certain of your answer? Does Jesus, or do any of His teachings, embarrass you? When was the last time you introduced someone that you are not close to, to Jesus and His teachings? I get dozens of emails from partners, friends and relatives everyday […]
In 1933, the United States was suffering beyond anything any of us can now possibly imagine. Poverty, lack and want ravaged America. The U.S. was in the unswerving grasp of the “Great Depression”. The “Great Depression” was the economic disaster of all time. It was a worldwide event. In the U.S., one of the milestones […]
Would you like to see explosive growth in your finances? IMITATE GOD! I recently called a dear friend and asked him what he was doing at that moment. He told me that he was rolling up his ch¨¨ange and that he was about to take it to the bank and put it in his account […]
A great multitude of people followed Jesus from all of the area surrounding Jerusalem. They came from Galilee and Decapolis and from beyond Jordan on foot to hear God in the person of Jesus teach them. Jesus went up into a mountain and He spoke to the assembled, teaching them and us, how to live […]
Are you afraid? Have you ever been tempted to be afraid? Have you ever let your Monday ruin your Sunday? By revelation of the Holy Spirit, the answer is yes. We are all tempted with fear. Fear is a tool of the evil one. It is one of the oldest temptations in his bag of […]
There is no temptation but that which is common to all people. Are you worried? Ask yourself this question, have you ever allowed your Monday to ruin your Sunday? Do you hate the thought of Monday? Are there mountains in your life that you believe in your heart are insurmountable? Have you lost sleep recently […]
Jesus loves every living thing beyond our capacity to understand. Above everything that exists, He loves you! How much does He cherish you? So much that God left heaven and became a human named Jesus. He suffered all the indignities of being an earth dwelling mortal. He went about healing all that were sick and […]