Pastor Allen has a passionate desire for all people to know who Jesus really is and what He really said.
Pastor Allen wants everyone to know that acceptance, belief, reliance on and surrender to Jesus is the ONLY WAY to have everlasting life!
“For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, so that anyone who believes in Him, shall never die, but will have everlasting life!’
(John 3:16)
He wants us to understand that Jesus was God in the flesh. “I am the way and the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father accept through Me! If you had known Me, You would have known my Father, from now on you know Him and have seen Him!”.
This is how Pastor Allen explains eternal life:
All of us sin and come short of the Glory of God! And the cost, price, punishment of any sin no matter how small, in thought or in deed is eternal punishment. BUT, The free gift from God is everlasting life. And to prove His unconditional, everlasting, inconceivable love for us, While we were yet in full blown sin, Jesus died for us. So that now all you must do to have everlasting life is Believe In Your Heart That God Raised Jesus From The Dead, and Confess With Your Mouth The Lordship of Jesus in your life. If you do, there is now no condemnation or judgement for those who are in Jesus.
Most of us have been taught many misleading or incorrect things about our King. Jesus does not kill, steal or destroy! The Lord does not give and take away! Jesus does not block our blessings, Jesus does not judge, condemn or punish people. Jesus loves every single person in the world including: Those of other beliefs, non-believers, evil doers, LGBT folk, gossips, liars, cheats, atheists, nihilist’s, agnostics, all people no matter what they do or have done. Jesus does not keep score on us. He came to save us not judge us.
He wants us to know that Jesus gave us the same power that He has and even greater power! He wants us to know that Jesus has already done everything. There is nothing more he can do. He wants us to know that we need only believe, joyfully and expect, to see the desires of our hearts manifested in our lives.
He believes the Word of God is the irrefutable, ultimate authority in all things.
He wants to see all people made free from a works based relationship with God. Our relationship with God is about His willingness, power and intention, that has done for us those things that we can not or will not do for our selves. We now live in a state of Grace, through faith not faith through works.
He believes the teaching of Jesus, which states: “If you continue in my word, then indeed you are my disciple and you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free.”
Allen was called into the ministry after nearly 30 years in sales, marketing and advertising. His business leadership experience has proved invaluable for ministering to business leaders today. He believes that business is an important mission field and speaks to business groups frequently.
After teaching independent Bible study groups for more than 10 years, Allen and his partners started Throne of Grace ministries. He is ordained and incorporated with the State of Georgia, and the ministry is a 501c3 non-profit/tax-exempt organization.
Allen’s years of Bible study have honed his knowledge of the deeper meaning of the Word. His unique understanding of the Gospel of Jesus and strong ability to communicate its meaning is life-changing. Many people say they had been “in the Word” for years yet never understood what it meant until hearing him.
In the past year, Pastor Allen has taught the Gospel throughout the world and literally from the Atlantic shores of Wrightsboro Beach, N.C., to the Pacific shores of La Jolla, Calif. His first trip was a mission to pray over the re-establishment of the seven churches of the book of revelations.
God used Allen to minister in virtually every important site where Paul, the teacher to the gentiles, was first sent to take the Gospel of Jesus-including Ephesus, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Pergamum, Sardis, Laodecia and Galatia.
Allen believes God sent him to Ephesus and Galatia to emphasize the importance of Paul’s key teachings, which declare the grace of God and warn of the consequences of having a performance-based relationship with God.