When a pilot communicates with Air Traffic Control, their are very strict procedures for doing so.

The controller wants to know 3 things: Who you are, where you are and what you want. Here is how that sounds, “Peactree Tower, Warrior 32 Papa Lima (who I am) is with you,” “13 miles to your northwest with information Delta,(where I am with acknowledgement that I have checked the local airport conditions such as wind direction and speed, altimeter setting and runways in use) “In bound for full stop” (What I want).

The tower will respond with acknowledgement of receipt and instructions that are very specific: This is how that sounds,”Warrior 32 Pappa Lima, continue in bound report 4 miles out, enter left base for runway 3 left, landing approved!”

The pilot will then repeat those instructions precisely as they were given. Here is how that sounds, “32 Papa lima, continue inbound, report 4 miles out, clear to land!”

The reason for this process is to keep communications clear, easily understood and short. If you get any of these out of order or you chit chat, you are denying another pilot time to communicate.

Along these lines, there is a right and wrong way to pray. Unfortunately, most of us have been taught to pray by asking The Father,Son and Holy Spirit, for things that they have long ago, already given us! We received (the Hebrew word Kohl) which means EVERYTHING when we accepted Jesus sincerely, by honestly giving our lives to Him, and making Him our Master/King.

One of the greatest fallacies of organized religion, is teaching their flock to “Believe For” things. This is the opposite of what Jesus taught us. Jesus taught us to “Believe that when we pray we receive!” (Mark 11:24) When we “Believe For” things, we are declaring to God that we don’t believe that He has given us everything, and we are permanently postponing that thing! If we pray in this manner we will never receive because of our unbelief.

Here are some examples of totally dysfunctional prayer. Each are profound statements of unbelief and they are very hurtful to Jesus! They say to Him that we are either ignorant of His Gospel, or that we don’t believe it.( If you fall into either of these categories don’t feel alone. My research has taught me that the vast majority of Christians/Believers do not believe Jesus.) Here they are:

“Jesus, please heal me, and or all people,or a person with cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc, etc, etc”.

“Jesus please give me faith, multiply my faith, increase my faith, expand my faith grow my faith.”

“Jesus please give me money, close the deal. bless my finances, send me customers, give me favor, bless my business, etc. etc.etc.”

“Jesus please forgive me for I have sinned.”

“Jesus please protect me from the evil one, I have anointed my house with oil, etc. etc. etc.”

“Jesus please send me the right man/woman.”

“Jesus please tell me your will for me.”

“Jesus please send your angels to protect me, guide me, help me.”

“Jesus please give me wisdom, direction and guidance.”

Would you like to hear what this sounds like to our Lord, King and Holy Spirit? It sounds like UNBELIEF! And, God can not do anything about unbelief.

Learn this:

“Jesus bore our sins and sicknesses in His body on the cross! By doing this, He destroyed all nature of diseases and made them illegal and impossible to exist in the body of a TRUE BELIEVER! (One who chooses to believe the promises of Jesus regardless of symptoms or the words of others, beyond even the shadow of a doubt!)

“Surely (NOT MAYBE!) He HATH (Past Tense) born our griefs and carried our sorrows, our maladies, sicknesses, diseases and infirmities. Yet we considered Him smitten and stricken by God, and we esteemed Him not. Yet, He was bruised for our transgressions, pierced for our iniquities and the punishment necessary for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we ARE HEALED.”
(Isaiah 53:4&5)

“This was done to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah saying,He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses!”
(Matthew 8:17)

“Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree (cross) that we having died to sin might live unto righteousness, and by His stripes we ARE HEALED!”

I pray that you choose to believe the Word, and that you are in agreement that illness is illegal and that Jesus destroyed it. If not, don’t stop taking your meds or going to the doctor. They were given to us by God because of the collective unbelief of His people!

So, here is the correct way to pray. I just did this for my sweet little grand nephew:

“Lord Jesus I thank you that you took this illness in your body and healed this and every illness, on the cross! I agree with you that this person is healed, healthy and happy!” Then be happy and joyous and celebrate!

Side Note: In His home town (Capernum) “Jesus could there do no mighty works because of the collective unbelief of the people!”
(Mark 6:5&6)

Jesus’ best friends, Mary and Martha,, unbelieved their Brother to death. Even after Jesus solemnly told them that Lazarus would not die. Then they blamed Jesus for being complicit in His death, so Jesus Wept! Some wrongly think He wept because He was sad about Lazarus.(John 11).

Likewise, Jesus gave us HIS FAITH and all things that are necessary for life and Godliness. Why then would you ask Him for faith or other things? This one is especially wrong: “God please, multiply my faith, expand my faith, grow my faith, yada,yada,yada!” If Jesus gave us His faith, how can His perfect faith be increased in anyway?
(2Peter 1:1-3)

Instead, be joyful, and happy and celebrate! Here is how we pray, “Thank You Jesus that you have already given me everything!! : YOUR FAITH, The man or woman that you created for me before the worlds were framed; jobs, contracts, successful business, prosperity etc.”. Then choose to believe you already have been given the desire of your heart, because you have! Celebrate and be Happy, regardless of what you see,touch,taste, feel or hear, just as if you see that desire manifested!!!!!

“Delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!” This was written to people under the old covenant. We have a better deal. The very God who put those desires in our heart, gave them to us on the cross.
(Psalm 37:4)

To ask Jesus to forgive you, I believe is the most hurtful thing you could possibly ever do to Jesus! For the Love of God, He died the worst, most painful, most horrible death anyone ever died to pay the price for our sins! Then He went into the bowels of the earth for 3 days and nights to complete the payment. He payed the price, ONCE AND FOR ALL! YOUR SINS, ALL OF THEM, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE HAVE BEEN PAYED FOR! YOU CAN NOT GET MORE FORGIVEN!!!!!!!
(The Entire Bible and Romans 5:8) (1Peter 3:18) (Romans 6:10) (Hebrews 9:28) (Hebrews 10:10)

Don’t even get me started on confession! The entire confession thing started with a statement of John,”If we confess our sins we know that He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Get this, He is also faithful and just to forgive if you don’t confess your sins! Do you really believe that God doesn’t know you sinned? The confession actually translates to agreement with God! Confession is not a report to God of our sins and wrong doing!

Please remember this! Confession is merely a statement of our belief! For example, The 23rd Psalm is a Confession of what David believed about God! Jesus asked us and the disciples what our confession about Him was/is. Peter replied, “You Are The Christ, The Anointed One, Our Salvation!” God loves for us to make up our own confession and speak it to Him.

Example: “Lord, Jesus My King, You Are Loving, Kind, Merciful, Funny, Happy, Joyous, You Forgave Me Once For All My Sins, Past, Present And Future! I will always cherish you!”

Repentance: Yes Jesus said “repent ye and accept the Gospel!”(Mark1:15) He said to repent (once)! You must understand that Jesus was speaking to unsaved Hebrews who were under the law and clung to the old covenant. What He meant was for them to turn from the old covenant and accept His Good News, so that they could be saved. Repentance and confession are entirely different things. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord, truly not half way but completely, you have repented!!!!!!!

If you are one of the vast majority of Christians/Believers, who still do not believe EVERYTHING that Jesus said, beyond the shadow of a doubt; you need to repent, turn and accept the ENTIRE Gospel of Jesus! This is especially true for those who change Jesus’ words or edit them to match their non-biblical beliefs, such as: “Yes but you must pray in His will.” “If God wills” “If it be thy will!” “Jesus only meant His promises for the disciples” “The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away” etc.

Asking God to defend us from the evil one is a colossal waste of time!!!!!!! When Peter asked Jesus to protect him from satan, Jesus blasted him with this: “Simon, Simon satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat, but I have prayed that your faith will not fail! (Luke 22:31) It is not up to Jesus to protect us from evil!!!!!! Why, because He gave us dominion over satan, his minions, his powers and all that is his! Memorize this:

“I Beheld satan Fall From Heaven As A Bolt OF Lightning! Behold! I Have Given You Authority And Power To Trample Upon Serpents And Scorpions (satan and his angels, minions and servants) And Over All The Power That The Enemy Possesses And Nothing Shall In Anyway Harm You!”

Jesus has given us the power and responsibility to assign Angels. Each Of Us Has An Angel That Sees The Face Of God Every Day!
(Matthew 18:10) “I assure you most solemnly, I tell you, If ANYONE steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the works that I do and even greater than these shall he do because, I go to my Father!(John 14:12) ” Peter do you suppose that I can not appeal to My Father and He will immediately provide me with more than 80,000 Angels?” (Matthew 26:53) One Angel could destroy the Russian Army!

“Jesus please give me wisdom!” Really? Read the Bible! All of the mysteries of the ages have been solved for us! (Colossians 1:26) A great place to start is the book of Proverbs. You also have the mind of Jesus! (1Corinthians 2:16) If you have the mind of Jesus, what wisdom do you lack? We have the Holy Spirit Whom guides us into all truth and shows us the things that are to come!(John 16:13)

“Jesus please tell me your will for me.” “God has revealed the mystery of His will for us!” (Ephesians 1:9) God’s will for us is that we would have life and have it in abundance (John10:10) That our joy would be full (John 6:33) That we would love one another (John 13:34) That we would believe on the One Whom He hath Sent!”(John 6:28)

I hope that this lesson will change the way you pray from trying to break into a room that you are standing in the middle of, to receiving and celebrating and praising Jesus for all of the blessings He has already given us! Let us choose to receive by faith what Jesus gave us by grace.

My belief is that you have been blessed by this teaching and that you will pass it to others who will be blessed and that they repeat the process.

We invite you to visit our website: KnowJesusKnowGrace.Com where you will find hundreds of teachings on various topics. The teachings are in written, audio and video formats.

You may also order our book, “WHAT IF JESUS TOLD THE TRUTH?” at our website above or on Amazon. Reading this book is an excellent way to determine whether or not you believe Jesus.

Throne of Grace Ministries is a 501c3 Ministry. We are not affiliated with any church, denomination, organization or groups. We are entirely funded by the generosity of our giving partners.

Our primary ministry is Pastoring and Counseling business and community leaders so that they may lead others by their example, We minister to thousands of people in more than 100 countries around the world and here at home, through our website. We minister in Businesses, Churches, Bible Study Groups, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Recovery Centers, Homes, Restaurants, By Social Media and to whomever and wherever the Holy Spirit leads us!

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Thank you so very much!
Pastor Allen Fleming
Throne of Grace
P.O.BOX 669153
Marietta, Georgia

2 thoughts on “HOW TO PRAY!

  1. Cornelius Adole says:

    Awesome teaching! It agrees with my Christian philosophy and perspective. Nice coming to know your ministry through divine direction. God’s blessings!

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